
There's a reason to be reckless



5 Years
10-28-2013, 01:15 PM

Novella would be lying if she said that watching the fight against Jupiter and Oddity hadn't had any affect on her or that she hadn't been worrying about the possibility of her new pack being dragged into this war. Fighting looked dangerous, that much the young girl was certain of even without trying it for herself, she certainly hadn't ever considered starting a fight and now she was even more sure that she didn't want to be part of one. Truth be told though, she at least wanted to know how to fight, just in case she needed to.

She suspected that Symphony would frown upon the idea, perhaps she would be better suited to studying the art of healing with her. Whilst another useful trade she ought to learn a bit about, for now she wanted to train to be able to fight. Novel and Dutiron hadn't really focussed upon any such skills with their youngest litter, in fact it had only really been Song who that had taught any such skills to. It was with that detail in mind that she decided to seek out her sister and ask for her help.

Jupiter had spoke of training other members of the pack, but to be entirely honest she would rather have some kind of basics down rather than be completely humiliated in front of the Sol. She had already perhaps been a little bit of a disappointment to her due to the lack of any skills. Maybe she didn't have a focus yet still, but she'd at least try become of some kind of use to the pack until she could figure it out. For all she knew she was destined to be a warrior of some sort, she had to at least try it.

"Song?" She called as she drew closer to her sister's den. Hopefully she would be there, and hopefully the children would be out elsewhere for now, as much as she loved her nieces and nephew she wasn't here to see them at the moment.