
A joining of minds

Wicked and Hermes


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
07-20-2023, 01:19 AM

Sirius returns her affection with ease while Hazel seems a little uncertain of her greeting. The red woman simply smiles warmly at the younger wolf as she steps back, knowing that, while she may have left her island behind, nothing can take the Hawai’ian out of Keahi. Thankfully, the wolves of the Armada have accepted her cultural differences and allow the tropical born wolf to express them without worry and with ease. Basilisk shows up shortly after her and the woman smiles brightly at the behemoth of a boy. Ah, but he is no longer a boy. With his second year of life, the giant wolf has become a man and his boyish features have sharpened into those of manhood.

Ocean blue eyes watch as he joins Hazel, the red woman carefully folding her haunches to come to sit lightly upon the ground. Sirius speaks up and her gaze moves to him, the woman dipping her head in easy acceptance of his thanks without interrupting him. The Warlord goes on to ask each of them about certain things and Hazel is the first to give her report. Blue gaze flows from the tall Warlord to the General, watching as she explains about the increase in predators. As Hazel falls silent, the Gladiator hums thoughtfully for a moment, a habit that has followed her since pup-hood, as she orders her thoughts.

Gaze slides back to Sirius as she says, “Things have felt… off in the lands. I have done some traveling to see if I could pin down exactly what is wrong and have only been able to find some strange phenomena that I have been unable to explain so far.” Keahi flicks her gaze over to Hazel and Bas as she tries to explain, “At times, the nearby rivers seem to flow backward. Also, their water level even seems to fluctuate in a matter of minutes. It doesn’t happen all the time but, if you watch them long enough, they seem to… change.”

Her eyes turn away from the group, towards the peaks of the mountains as he points a paw up at them and continues on, “I have noticed strange lights that seem to gather near the peaks of the mountains, not just here but around Boreas, but they disappear if I attempt to approach them.” The red paw drops back to the earth as her gaze returns to those around her and Keahi finishes her observations, “That and the ground seems to tilt gently in places that it didn’t before. Finally, I feel some very fine tremors underneath my paws but they are not strong enough to do anything but they are there.”

With her piece said, Keahi lapses into silence, looking to Basilisk and waiting to hear his report.

"Keahi Mogotsi"