
not quite flying




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
07-20-2023, 02:27 AM
After introductions, Halo was quick to launch into one of her long-winded lessons. Dread had to admit, he didn’t miss this. Her healing lessons had always been rather wordy as well. At least when it came to a fighting training, they would actually be doing things. Dread finds himself antsy when it comes to lessons. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t hack it as a healer. Yeah, it was certainly that, and not the immense frustration that he had to grapple with when it came to not being able to make life easier for his siblings. When it came to the fact that there was nothing he could have done for his mother.

But those were thoughts that he bit back, re-focusing on the task and lesson at hand. Halo asks them to wiggle… so Dread wiggles. It’s a strange feeling, letting his muscles go slack. Wiggling, though he remains on his feet. Wiggling and feeling… feeling terribly silly while he does it. Right, Dread is wiggling. Wiggling, and then Halo changes the direction. She wants tense and scrunchy. Dread tensed his muscles, hunched his shoulders, locked his knees and elbows. Heck, he even scrunched up his face. If he was going to set a good example for the kids, then he supposed he had to follow Halo’s directions.

Actually, what she said made sense. If they were loose, they were less likely to get hurt when they hit the ground. The shock from the fall would probably be rough on their skeletons if they were tense… shit, it made sense. Dread would remain quiet when Halo pitched the question to the group, letting the pups take a crack at the answer first.

"Dread Fatalis"