
Forbidden Fruits

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-20-2023, 01:19 PM

Though it wasn't entirely unexpected, he still caught her slightly off guard as he suddenly hoisted her up onto his back, making her yelp and gasp with surprise. "Sara!" she scolded playfully with a giggle, swatting at his side and shoulder as she pretended to struggle against the grip he had on her. Even though she wasn't drastically shorter than he was, he certainly had the clear advantage in sheer strength and muscle–which he had shown on many, many other occasions with her, including now. As if it wasn't already clear where he was taking her, he mentioned the new furs he had added to their bed and the need to 'break them in' which painted a very clear picture of what her mate had in mind. There was the briefest moment of hesitation that crossed through her mind as she worried for a moment over whether or not she should stop him to avoid the risks of her winding up pregnant since Irilyth's herbs probably needed more time and doses to be fully effective. As soon as he tossed her onto the bed and she looked up at her handsome twin and she saw the lustful desire and need in his cerulean gaze that concern and hesitation quickly evaporated. It was easy enough to reason away–she could take more of the herbs when they were done and she was only in the first few days of her heat anyway–and even if it wasn't, it was always a challenge for her to not give Saracyn everything he wanted.

Her ebony gaze followed his as he climbed over her, a little grin tugging at her lips as he leaned down to brush his cheek against her own. Her breath caught as even that slight touch sent tingles across her skin and a shiver down her spine. She had forgotten just how hyperactive her nerves became when she was in heat and that partnered with the unfiltered love and desire they shared for one another in their newly minted soul mating only made that fact even more true. As he continued to nuzzle into her neck, her eyes fluttered closed and her head tipped back with her own instinctual need for her mate and desire for the sparks that he was sending across her skin. He always managed to ignite a fire in her like no other, but that was even more true with the wild influence of her heat. The sound of his growl and the feeling of his teeth on her throat pulled another quiet gasp from her and her forelegs snaked up around the back of his neck, her claws flexing and combing through the thick fur of his scruff. His questioning over whether she was going to beg him to stop brought back that uncertainty once more, but not because of the project like he might think. Still, that uncertainty and the moral dilemma in the risks of it all were weak and all it took was his body shifting against hers and the feeling of his paws roaming across her body to break her will power. She lowered her head to brush her muzzle against his as her paws trailed up the back of his neck, one of them catching his cheek and lifting his lips to hers. "Stop talking and take me..." she purred in response before her lips locked with his and her back arched to press her body tighter into his, giving up any last sensible thought in her mind in favor of giving into this primal, instinctual need she had for her soul mate.

- fade -

"Avacyn & Saracyn"