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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-20-2023, 01:39 PM

Avacyn nodded in agreement at the mention of the invaluable importance of having so many sets of open eyes. One of the things she had learned very quickly as she began to learn from her mother in preparation stepping into this role was how important having strong alliances was. That was the reason why she had been so set on reconnecting and strengthening the bonds they had with these other packs as one of her first acts as Matriarch. Her mother had laid a good ground work for her to build from and she only hoped that she could continue to find ways to deepen the friendships with her fellow alphas. So far she seemed to be doing well, but she supposed only time would tell. One only really knows the strength of a friendship when it is tested.

The topic shifted to a more joyous one as she mentioned her excitement for the princess' ceremony and she smiled at the reaffirming that they had become one of their closest allies–no doubt because of Ikigai's presence in Elysium. She of course understood Venom's subtle disappointment for not being able to throw a similar affair for Ikigai and Deimos, but she was glad that she was getting to do so for Kiyohime’s wedding. "If you wanted to hold a celebration for Ikigai and Deimos, we would be more than happy to host it," she told Venom with a smile. "Though it did sound like Ikigai did wonderfully in taking my family's tradition and shaping it into her own design. I was quite proud and inspired by what she came up with. Uncle Deimos is an extremely lucky man to have her."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Talk Shop Redwater Rocks 02:36 PM, 07-08-2023 03:37 AM, 02-13-2024