
Banking on a dream

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-20-2023, 02:03 PM

As she walked out of the healing den, she couldn't decide which emotion was going to win out–excitement or dread. She hadn't been feeling well over the last several days and had hardly been able to eat or keep up with her usual patrols. She felt terrible and had at first chalked it up to something she had eaten or perhaps a bad reaction to the herbs and contraceptives she had gotten from Irilyth. When it still hadn't passed after a few days she finally made herself go to the healing den in search of her former caretaker, worried that there was something in the medicines she had been given that she was allergic to or something of that sort. Not once did it occur to her that those same medicines might have failed. She guessed every cause under the sun except for the one that Irilyth ultimately had to break to her. She was pregnant. She was pregnant with Saracyn's pups. The part of her that truly believed that they were soul mates and that the Ancients had made them for one another was ecstatic, but the logical side of herself that knew the true risks behind this pregnancy and the reason behind the law that was so clearly spelled out in their beliefs was terrified. It left her feeling shell shocked and for a moment she stood outside of the healing den directionless and torn about what to do.

Without making a true conscious decision, her paws began to carry her off of the island. She knew Saracyn's patrol route as well as her own and she knew that this time of day she'd be able to find him out by Firefly Lake. She was almost grateful for that fact since the path there kept her away from the caves and dens where she would be more likely to run into someone else. She was balancing on a fine line to keep herself together and her only saving grace right now was the fact that their parents were away on their retirement vacation and most of the other wolves of the pack were out on their daily tasks. She made a beeline for the lake, her paws carrying her more and more quickly as she went until she was loping out toward the neighboring territory, not slowing until she spotted his intimately familiar red and black form walking along the pack's border on the far side of the lake. Quickly, she made her way around to join him, willing her emotions to stay in check for just a few moments longer as she intercepted him. There was no way that her twin would be able to miss the heavy, mixed emotions etched into her expression as she stopped in front of him, her dark gaze looking to the bright blue of his for some kind of guidance for how she was supposed to feel. "Sara, I'm pregnant," she told him softly, the words tumbling off of her tongue before she could even fully catch her breath as confused tears started to pool in her eyes.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"