
sweet as sugar




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-20-2023, 02:24 PM

The shrubs and bushes that dotted the woods around and between the big, tall trees of the woods made for excellent hiding places! She had already found a couple that were her favorites and she had gotten pretty good at hiding in them. The first couple of times she tried to hide, she forgot to make sure no one was watching her when she went into her hiding spot so that didn't really work out, but now she knew to wait till everyone else was busy doing something so that she could sneak away really, really quietly and then after she was out of sight she'd slip into one of her bushes and it made for the perfect spot to spy on her siblings and see what they were up to! The only real problem was that some of the bushes didn't have a ton of leaves and they seemed to keep losing them. Their momma told her it was because of the cold and that in winter all of the plants would lose their leaves and she didn't like that something the same as her name was going to take away all of her hiding places!

For now though she was able to play her favorite game and she watched as Ursa started out on her own, clearly searching for something with her nose to the ground. Curious, Wynter started following her from a little ways back, moving from one bush to another once Ursa got far enough away not to notice her. Her sister always seemed to manage to find good snacks so Wynter hoped that would be the case today so she could get a little snack too! After a while though she got kinda bored of this part of the game and instead she waited till Ursa stopped for a moment, seemingly inspecting some kind of flower or something, and she started creeping out from the bush and moving closer to her sister from behind. Her creeping and stalking were, of course, quite clumsy but in her mind she was the sneakiest hunter around. At the last moment she jumped up and pounced on Ursa's tail, calling out, "Ha! Gotcha!" with a peel of giggles.

"Wynter Carpathius"

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1. sweet as sugar Mile-High Woods 09:31 AM, 07-20-2023 07:20 PM, 10-13-2023