
Sneaking Out



10-27-2013, 05:09 PM

She stood there next to Cael as he had follwed up behind her. She leaned into his side, seeking warmth and comfort. Yet her outer appearenace was calm and steady. She had to be for all the young ones here. Blue eyes turned to see Erani coming and nuzzled her mentor on the shoulder.If you need more herbs or more space to hold the wounded, you can use Cael and mine's den. Be careful.. She said softly. And just like that Erani and Rayne went to the battle to tend to the wounded. Cael's voice snap her head around. He was right, where were all of Syrinx's pups? But before she could respond, a male with two females in poor conditions approahed them.

She studied the two females with concern, it was obivious they needed to be tended to. The male, Hansel spoke of being a Tortugan, and scent comfirmed it. But it was Ashtoreth who spoke first. Ears laid back at her words towards Hansel and to Cael to stay behind. She turned to her mate and nuzzled him tenderly.I can take Elva with me if you want. But Ashtoreth needs another adult to help get everyone to Seracia safely. Be careful my love, may the winds grant you speed and the gods protect you. She whispered to him. It was nearly impossible for her to pull herself away to join the others. She nudged Skyla along with her, keeping the pup close to her.

Head turned back to Hansel."Follow me. If anything i'll see what i can do for them when we get to Seracia. I am Imena, a Valhallan healer. If you can provide us protection, im sure you and the two girls can wait in Seracia with us. She replied to him. She would bring up the rear of the group on the travels to make sure they werent being followed by enemies or that no one would fall behind. It would not take them too long to reach Seracia in their hast. A grey female would be there to greet them.There is another group to come. My mate Cael will be leading it. Also this is Hansel, from Tortuga. He has brought two Amenti slaves, one being his sister. They need tending to. If i may, i would like to have a look at them in the safety of Seracia." She replied from the rear of the group.
