


10-27-2013, 05:24 PM

OOC Name: Ely

How did you get here?:50 top rp

Age: 22

Character's Name: Alessa

Age: 3 years

Season of birth: winter

Size: 30 inches

Appearance description: She's not exactly small, but she's not exactly big either. You could say she's the perfect size. She's not rail thin nor is she on the verge of appearing male rather than female. She has the right amount of balance between muscle and feminine curves. She's still young, so her curves have yet to fully develop, but the muscle is surely there. She has a well built, sturdy frame, good for running and fighting if need be. As far as looks, her base color is a very light cream with a tint peach to it, covering her entire body save for a few spots. The creamy peach color is disrupted by patches of white. The first being at the base of her upper lip, extending up and around her nose to come together at a point in the middle at the bridge between her eyes. The white extends down to her lower jaw, coating it entirely as it spreads down her chest, all the way to her underbelly, two small archs defining her hips. The toes of her front right paw and left back paw are also painted white, along with her tail, save for the base of it, the white stopping a little more than halfway to the base. Her eyes are two toned, her right a fiery orange with swirls of red while her left is an icy blue, cooler than the artic.

Duty: Avenger

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