
not quite flying




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
07-20-2023, 07:51 PM
Dread took a wing to the face. Though it startled him for a moment, he couldn't help but chuckle once he realized what had happened. Wylan didn't quite know how to control them yet, and that was okay. Dread barely knew what to do with his own limbs at this point, much less what he'd do if he had two spare ones. "Happens to the best of us," he reassured the boy at his side, offering a gentle smile. They would stand and they would wiggle together, it only seemed to make sense that things would get a little silly.

Halo began to talk again. Dread looked on with interest, watching as she climbed up on the platform they'd created earlier. While Dread had some inclination what was coming next, he wasn't entirely sure. Oh, there she went. Falling, but not just falling. Falling with intent and control. They were practicing falling in an environment that wasn't stressful, wasn't dangerous. They were practicing for fun, but practicing for the sake of practice too. Dread watched as Halo fell gracefully into the leaves, rolling a bit as she landed. It looked so easy... why did that look so easy?

As they were able to try it, the yearling was happy to lead the charge. Climbing up the plank and then... falling off? Okay. Taking a deep breath, Dread allowed himself to go limp and drop into the leaves. Why was it so difficult to just let himself fall? (Don't look now, but Dread might have some minor control issues.) There he went, falling. It was strange, trying to maintain the thoughts in his head as he fell. Limp. Go limp. Go... limp. It was harder than it looked, and the yearling landed with a solid thud. Not satisfied with the first fall, Dread climbed up to try again. He'd try over and over again, until he felt he'd gotten it right, going limp as he tumbled down. There was also the nuance that Halo hadn't explained to the pups, but Dread had picked up on. A little roll at the end.

Practice, practice, practice.

"Dread Fatalis"