
War has come knocking at our door


10-27-2013, 05:42 PM

The call jerked the young girl into startled awakening, wintery blue eyes widening with fear as she cast about for danger. Swallowing, she rose to her paws as quickly as she could and exited her den. She looked about the clearing, and the scent of fear and distress was strong, instantly making her feel terrified. She knew the war was in progress, after all her Alpha and the boy Tidus who had brought her here had gone off with a few others. Lily had been afraid to go, afraid to see the chaos and the turmoil that ensued with bloodshed and death. Though she was a healer in her own rights, she was still unused to such horrors that she had seen among others in her travels, and preferred to avoid such evils of the world. But as it was, she had the urge to help those she came across, even if she couldn't help herself.

With a racing heart, she moved to find the small group of gathered wolves, her fear obvious in her eyes and in the way she slunk towards the back of the group with a tucked tail. Her ears splayed back as she was unsure about what was going on, and the group though she had seen them in the last meeting, she did not know who they were and remained silent. Waiting for someone to speak.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"