
Father-Son Time



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-21-2023, 04:47 PM
Solaire yelped softly with surprise when he felt his father grasp his scruff and suddenly his paws were no longer on the ground. For a moment he was in the air, hanging from his dad's jaws, before he was soon placed on his dad's shoulders with a much higher vantage point that he had before. Grinning excitedly, Solaire quickly turned to face the greenhouse once more, positioning himself on his father's shoulders and the back of his neck so that he could look over his dad's head at the plants inside. From up here the glass was a little clearer and less foggy so the jungle of leaves was much easier to see and he 'ooo'ed at the countless shapes and colors of them all.

He listened with rapt interest as his dad explained how his aunt Gwynevere had been the one to grow or move most of the plants into the greenhouse. Of course he knew Aunt Gwyn was usually the one in and out of here most of the time and how she was almost always in the infirmary, but to think that she made all these plants appear in here was awesome! He held onto his dad with his forelegs around his neck, his turquoise eyes trailed on the plants inside as he tried to look at every single one for this little stint on his dad's back. He was trying to remember the shape of them all and what color they were so maybe he could pester his aunt later and get her to tell him what all of them were, especially since his dad didn't really know what they were or why there was so many different ones.

Solaire didn't fully grasp his dad asking if he wanted to be shown how they get their rain until his dad suddenly reached up to unlatch the door to the glass house. He gasped excitedly, his tail wagging wildly behind him as he replied, "Yeah! Yeah, I wanna see!" The second his dad got down low enough that he could hop off without getting hurt in the process, Solaire jumped to the ground–only to tumble over his own paws in the process. That didn't slow him down at all though as he rolled through the green house entryway and landed back on his paws with a quick shake. He looked up at the plants that were all around him with wide eyes and a huge grin. "It's so warm in here!" he noticed immediately, noting how it was suddenly noticeably warmer and more humid than it was just outside the door.

"Solaire Carpathius"

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1. Father-Son Time Amron's Castle 07:56 PM, 07-03-2023 05:49 AM, 09-28-2023