
War has come knocking at our door


10-27-2013, 06:57 PM

A call, it sung to her very call, the sound of it was oh so foreboding. Dark ears pulled upright at the sound, she wondered where her children had run off to but the call was not to be ignored. Something was urgent in that call. She began to move swiftly towards the source of the call. Her violet gaze landing on several wolves around her and she tilted her head to the side with confusion as she spotted seraphim. She caught sound of his words and allowed a soft snort to escape her nose as she gently moved beside him.

?Now now, I know tracking the borders is tedious work but I would not ignore a call that sounded so unsure. What is happening that has the wolves so itchy?? she questioned, her gaze shifting towards the black woman who had called to her, them, she was unsure what was going on. She had indeed been dealing with pressing issues but she could deal with Zara and her turmoil another day. What ever was wrong, after this meeting, she would be finding her children and ensuring they were home safe and sound.

Her gaze shifted towards Devya, her cries seemly confused. She was curious as to what was going on. What was making everyone so on edge. Not that she disliked the idea of everyone enjoying a good fight or two but all the tension was more then just that. She smiled gently at the youth then found her eyes to meet Maija. Her tail flicked behind her as she studied the woman and her words brought her ears forward. ?War?? she felt her teeth clamp with the words. Who was at war? Her tail had begun to dance back and forth behind her showing her agitation. Had someone threatened Tortuga? She wouldn?t allow it. Not now, not while they were making so much progress with rebuilding the pack back to its potential.

ooc: sorry this is before Newts DM, Liquid time.