you are my sunshine
Master Intellectual (240)
Master Healer (240)
8 Years
Mortis didn't want to leave, and she supposed she could understand that, but she wasn't going to have him getting in the way. She kept half an eye on Fuji, who was holding her own well enough, and moved wot brew a calming draught of chamomile and valerian with a decent dose of honey. As soon as the father was seen to, she moved back to Halo's side, the problematic child coming unstuck and the next to slide free as small as Fuji had been. Perhaps it was a problem with larger litters? One always seemed to miss out.
Sedna thought that the smallest child would be the last but another followed shortly after. She allowed Fuji to focus on checking each of the children over once more while she reassured Halo that everything would be ok, that what was happening was normal with larger pups, and they would be sure to take care of her. She gestured for Otis to change out the worst of the bedding and gathered up some dried grasses to place underneath the new mother to save as much of the bedding as they could while Fuji worked on preparing more medicine. As long as they could keep her awake, as exhausted as she must be, they would be ok.