
Sleepless Night


10-27-2013, 07:50 PM

She smiled, her voice falling from ebony lips easily. "Well then let's get going." She murmured contentedly. The little pup seemed content to be carried, so Aurora bent over and grabbed her gently by the scruff, since she could have a better range of movement this way. She felt the pup's body go limp as she started drifting into sleep, and long legs began taking massive strides towards the river that led through Ludicael. Her broad paws struck the terra without a sound, the youngster called Odette swaying gently in her jaws. A thick alabaster banner swung behind her, sweeping across her tall heels, twin raven's feather's twirling erratically. Mercury optics watched for the familiar landmarks in the distance, sensitive auds detecting the sound of rushing water.

OOC Note: They're in Monument Rapids now!

The rapids met her metallic orbs, a happy sight. Now she had to search out a den site, a safe place where both she and the young pup could rest at night, and where she could leave the youngster on a close to daily basis to take care of the pack. She let her leathery nose find crevices her eyes could not in the growing darkness, and finally there was a place before her. It was near the bank of the river, the dirt had fallen away from beneath a giant trees roots and been scraped away by some animal, which had formed a burrow large enough that the porcelain giantess only needed to duck her head to enter, and she could lay down at the very back comfortably, still with room for Magnus if he chose to live here as well, and for Odette as well, of course, with still enough room for no one to be hanging out of the entrance. Lowering her deceptively delicate cranium to enter, she placed the child on the ground against the rear wall, and curled up around her. "Welcome home Odette, go to sleep now, all is well now." She whispered, lowering her head and feeling Corvusi curl up on her flank and begin purring.