




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-22-2023, 11:12 PM

Wynter hummed a little tune to herself as she used a stick to draw out a few shapes in the dirt, first a shape that could possibly be described as a grasshopper and then another that looked more believably like a tree. The bigger, less detailed shapes were easier to do, but when did she ever pick the easier thing do to? After the success of her tree drawing, that boosted her confidence and she started sketching out what she intended to be the jaguar that had chased after her and Aunt Kite the other day. It was at least recognizable as some kind of animal since it had four legs, a head, and a tail, but somewhere around the point where she started drawing in its spiky, uneven teeth that she started questioning just how well this drawing was going. She started trying to salvage the doodle with some wobbly, uneven spots to make it more identifiable as a big cat, but after a couple of spots something falling caught her attention.

She glanced up from her work to look up at the sky, tilting her head slightly as she watched something else falling toward her and then another and another. Abandoning her drawing stick, she sat up and reached for whatever it was and watched as a very delicate little flake of some kind fell on her dark paw, the itty bitty but very pretty thing standing out really well against the darker background of her fur. She squinted at it curiously, but after just a moment it melted and it was gone. Quickly she looked up toward the sky again, hopping to her paws as she looked around for another of the flakes and slowly more and more began to fall until it was a light flurry of snow around here that fell to the ground but almost immediately began to melt. "Dad!" she called as she started to run back toward their family den, knowing he was around today while mom went out to gather something from another part of the forest. "Dad! Dad! What is this stuff?" she questioned as she bounced around his feet, pointing excitedly up at the sky.

"Wynter Fatalis"

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1. Wonderland Mile-High Woods 11:12 PM, 07-22-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024