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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-23-2023, 12:58 PM

While she would have been more than happy to host an event in Ikigai and Deimos' honor, she did appreciate Venom's respect for her family's traditions and smiled gratefully as she dipped her head to Venom at that. "That's kind of you, thank you." When Venom insisted that anyone would have been lucky to have Ikigai and her hope that Deimos realized as such, Avacyn nodded with understanding while she continued to stroll alongside Venom. While she still had not had the chance to truly get to know the Klein princess that had come to live with them, she knew well her parents' fondness for her and the absolute grace that Ikigai seemed to exude. She certainly could not argue with Venom's assessment even as a more neutral third party in the situation. "While I can't fully speak for my uncle, I can say that there has been a great change in him for the better since Ikigai joined our family," she said confidently, hoping that her first hand account might reassure the Empress of Deimos' care for her daughter. "He seems to worship the ground she walks on–as he should," she added with a slightly cheeky grin.

As her thoughts lingered on Ikigai and her place as the newest member of the Mendacium family, something she had been heavily considering for some time crossed her thoughts and she glanced toward Venom with a slight uncertainty. She wanted to share the thought since it could have a significant impact on the relationship between their packs, but she had no way of knowing how Venom might react to the reason behind this decision so she felt the need to tread lightly. Regardless, it wasn't something she could keep in the dark forever so perhaps it was best she be open and honest in the going ons between their families. There was a pause before she shared, "I haven't had the chance to discuss this with Ikigai yet, but... I believe I will be choosing my heir from her and Deimos' children. One of your granddaughters will likely be the next Matriarch of Elysium." She gave Venom a slightly bittersweet smile as she added, "Due to my... choice of soul mate I'm unlikely to be able to produce my own heir. But it feels fitting to have our next Matriarch come a union between our families since you and your family have been such incredible supporters of mine for so long. I have no doubt with Ikigai's wisdom and Deimos' strength that they will produce a wonderful heir."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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