

The Judge


10-27-2013, 08:18 PM

Oddity v Chrysanthe & Syrinx for Blinding/Knockout

Round One

oddity ?

clarity ? 5 out of 10 ; the angle that oddity runs to attack syrinx was never specified, i.e. head-on, at a ninety degree angle to syr?s right side, etc. ??if he were to succeed he wanted to tear flesh off tear it and severe it ?? it should be clarified exactly how oddity would attempt to do this, i.e. by thrashing his skull, pulling back, etc.

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; there should have been an attempt to close the distance between he and syrinx, for someone easily could have intercepted the attack or syr could have avoided it completely.

defense ? 8 out of 10 ; tail flagged, toes splayed, balanced, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, rolled shoulders, hackles raised, chin tucked.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; bite to syrinx?s right shoulder (+3). no points were awarded for the attempt to crash into syrinx (specified in the attack summary) since it was not clearly stated in the post that that is what he was trying to do.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one oddity total ? 35 out of 50

chrysanthe ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; it should have been specified at what angle chrys was attempting to crash into oddity?s hip.

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; there also should have been an attempt to close the distance between chrys and oddity, for someone could have easily intercepted the attack or oddity could have avoided it completely.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; hackles raised, eyes narrowed, head lowered, ears pinned, tail out, shoulders rolled.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; attempt to crash into oddity?s right hip (+2), attempt to bite into oddity?s lower spine, vital (+5).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? none.

round one chrysanthe total ? 40 out of 50

syrinx ?

clarity ? 9 out of 10 ; repeated gender confusion in regard to oddity.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 10 out of 10 ; head lowered, jaws gaping, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, tail out/spine aligned, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to slam right shoulder into the center of oddity?s chest (+2), attempt to blind oddity in his left eye (+4).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? skinned right shoulder.

round one syrinx total ? 45 out of 50

Round Two

oddity ?

clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; ?While both Seph and the alphess failed to knock him down?? it was never specified why they failed in their attacks. ??his defenses keeping the man from getting a full hold on him?? what defenses would stop seph from getting a hold on oddity?s scruff? ?Syrinx's jaws pulled onto his left leg?? & ??latch her jaws onto his spine shifted to his right top of his back leg?? the severity/depth of those wounds needs to be specified, not just stated in the injury summary. ?Oddity shifted his weight fully forward?? with what part of oddity?s body is he attempting to slam into what body part of syrinx?s? ??shaking his body trying to violently make it difficult to latch onto him?? this was hard to imagine and something extremely awkward to attempt given that oddity is currently throwing his weight forward and attempting to latch onto syr?s left eye.

powerplay ? 0 out of 10 ; ??Oddity's eyes shifted towards Chrysanthe?? I found that unfair since chrys was positioned near his right hips, pretty much behind him and out of view, so he basically foresees her attack. ??Seph to his left, the alphess to the right?? major source of powerplay here as it was specified in chrys? post that she was on the same side as seph, not opposite sides. oddity completely disregards syr?s attempt to slam into him without reasons specified for the attack not hitting. there was also way too much movement in this post ? oddity first steps, then rears back onto his hinds, then thrusts his weight forward, then lands back upon all fours? that was unfair towards the others involved in the fight since it gives them no time to respond to all of oddity?s movements.

defense ? 4 out of 10 ; limbs spread equally apart, tail tucked, toes splayed, rolled shoulders, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. subtracted two points from initial score for compromising his balance when rearing back.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to slam into syr (+2), attack to syr?s left eye (+4).

injuries ? 4 out of 10 ; puncture wounds to scruff, bite/grasp to left forelimb, bite/grasp to right hind limb.

round two oddity total ? 14 out of 50

chrysanthe ?

clarity ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 8 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, head lowered, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, weight evenly distributed, hinds squared, toes firm on ground. subtracted one point from initial score for lifting her paw and thus compromising her balance.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to yank on odd?s right hind limb (+2), attempt to apply pressure to the bite (+1), attempt to trip oddity (+3).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; none.

round two chrysanthe total ? 44 out of 50

syrinx ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; ?HE COULD FEEL TEETH SCRAPE ABOVE HIS EYE?? it should be specified why oddity?s attack did not hit in full. ??REACH HIS LEFT LIMB UP AND BETWEEN THE MAN'S RIGHT LIMB?? reaching his left limb between oddity?s right limb made no sense to me.

powerplay ? 5 out of 10 ; syrinx ignores oddity?s attempt to slam into him without reason for doing so.

defense ? 10 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, limbs spread equally apart, tail out, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered, knees bent, nails digging into soil, tucked chin. no points deducted for lifting his forepaw off of the ground because of the mentioning of reestablishing syr?s balance.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; attempt to blind oddity (+4), attempt to swipe claws along tender area of oddity?s armpit (+3).

injuries ? 9 out of 10 ; small gash on forehead.

round two syrinx total ? 39 out of 50


oddity ? 49 out of 100

chrysanthe ? 84 out of 100

syrinx ? 84 out of 100

And the winner is...
Chrysanthe and Syrinx! Since Syrinx is one of the winners and fought to blind Oddity, he succeeds in his endeavor. Oddity must give up by either fleeing, passing out, or submitting and may no longer participate in this siege.

oddity - blinded in his right eye, puncture wounds along his scruff and puncture wounds to his left forelimb (will take five ooc days to heal), gashes along right hind limb (will take one ooc week to heal), cuts along his right armpit (will take three ooc days to heal).

chrysanthe - nothing.

syrinx - gash above left eye (will take three ooc days to heal).

sei - watch your clarity and powerplaying. make sure to specify as much as you possibly can, acknowledge every attack thrown at your characters, allow other participants in the fight to react to your character's movements before making too many of them, and be sure to realistically dodge when you do.

seren - you lacked mostly in attacks/defenses so try to incorporate as many defenses as you can think of into your posts. otherwise, great job!

lu - you tripped up at the end because of your failure to mention odd's slam attack, so be sure to acknowledge every attack thrown at your characters. your posts were very fluent and easy to follow along and your defenses were up to par.

[ judging by aly ]