
Our Stories

Pup story time!


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
07-24-2023, 01:51 PM

As she settled down in front of her mother, peering up at her with mismatched eyes filled with child-like wonder, she hardly noticed her other siblings start to make their way over. She was too busy enjoying the warmth of her mother’s embrace, as Briar scooped her up into her arms, giving her a nuzzle before setting her back down. It brought out a spout of laughter from the girl, her tail wagging hard enough to make her rump wiggle too. Settling down once more, Clove cast her gaze towards Ember, who tumbled over her feet upon arrival. “Hi, Ember!” She said with a giggle, and she offered her sister a soft nudge of affection if she allowed it.

Her brothers Vendrick and Nelu came over next. Vendrick plopped down beside her, and Clove reached over to playfully nibble at his ear. “Hi, Vendrick.” She greeted him softly, before turning to Nelu. “Hi, Nelu.” She shot him a smile as well, before turning back to their mother who had already begun to tell the story she had enticed them with. It was the tale of how their kingdom was founded, which was necessary for the young princes and princesses to know. Until now, the Clove hadn’t really thought about how their home was made. Which was primarily due to her young age. But now that her mother mentioned it, she was curious.

As Briar told the story of their home, Clove tracked her mother with a watchful eye, noting the expressions she made and feeling the emotions that were behind the grand creation of their home. She mentioned another place called Armada and the names of wolves who were relatives to them. Sirius and Zee were their grandparents, but they lived in the Armada place she mentioned. She also found it surprising that mother was also from Armada… Clove had just assumed she and Daddy always lived here in the castle. A soft gasp left her mouth, brows furrowing upon her face.

All the new information made Clove’s head spin, but in a good way. It was expanding her mind to the unknown, and helping her gain a better understanding of the world around her… and the politics that came with it.

Sitting up on her haunches, Clove raised one of her front paws to signify that she had a question. “Mama, will our grandparents Sirius and Zee ever come to see us from… um…” It took her a second to remember the name of the other pack. “…Armada? Because I wanna play with them!” She asked, her tail softly wagging behind her. Briar said they were strong fighters and protectors and had helped in the creation of the Hallows. Which made Clove want to meet them even more!  

"Clove Carpathius"
Code by Shelby

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