
my holy ghost is hovering over me




8 Years
07-24-2023, 05:27 PM

Winter was a threat that hung, ever present, in the back of Asteria's mind. A worry, a concern that seemed to loom bigger and bolder every day. The passing of the seasons was enough to make her nervous, to leave her concerned. Just another thing to look over her shoulder for... larger than life. But then, what was her life, at this point? It was all the places she'd been, all the things she'd seen. The winters she'd spent in her younger years, watching the lights that danced across the sky in the north. It was the whales she'd seen on the coasts, and how beautiful they were. It was the fear that she'd felt the first time she'd seen a tornado, the fear and the terror and the wonder. The wonder. That was the thing that really and truly seemed to make her whole. The sense of wonder.

But wonder wouldn't keep her alive. She knows better than that, too. Considering that she should move to warmer climates for the winter, Asteria turned sadly from the Knolls. Using the morning sun as her compass, the star-soaked creature turned south. Gaze bright, eyes peeled... keen. Always keen. Had to be, that was the way she'd stay alive out here. Had to be keen, had to be observant. Anything less than that could spell trouble, or even worse than trouble. Carefully, she crossed into the Swamplands.

Beneath her paws, the earth seemed to give way. It was squishy, coming up between her toes. Unsteady. Uneven. Each step would need to be slow, methodical. It would take some time for Asteria to cross the Swamplands, and she was grateful that she'd started out fairly early today. Cautiously, she began to cross, a hope in her heart that it would be a rather uneventful passage. Gaze steady, Asteria was nothing if not determined. She'd waded through worse, right?


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1. my holy ghost is hovering over me Corpseghoul Swamplands 05:27 PM, 07-24-2023 09:31 PM, 11-01-2023