
Raider brats

Modesty/Gilgamesh round 2



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
07-24-2023, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2023, 03:11 PM by wicked. Edited 7 times in total.)
(mostly complete but you guys know me, i will keep tinkering w/this until apps close)

Out-of-Character Name: wicked
Character's Name: Wake
Gender: male
Adult Height: TBD
Height: XL
Build: light
Appearance Description:
Wake is a handsome creature, that's for certain.  He's inherited his father's lanky figure, his mother's light footedness.  He seems to move with all the grace and elegance of a dancer, out of place on the battlefield.  Never a foot out of place, the grace is one of the few things that saves him.  It's near comical, but what the boy seems to lack in strength, he'll make up for in agility.  Well, he'll try to make up for.  It will take some time for him to grow into the legs, after all.  

This boy is a flashy beast.  His coat is colored loudly, and hangs close to his body.  It's no good at keeping the cold out, and he'll always prefer warmer climates.  His facial features bare striking resemblance to his father.  Wake is similarly masculine and lithe.  Bottled agility, painted all over this damn pretty boy.  
Mutations: not this time around
Wake is a silver-tongued troublemaker.  Socially intelligent enough to be called smart, and smart boys mean trouble.  He's a button pusher, and he's not afraid to strike a nerve in the name of getting what he wants.  Underhanded and pushy, with a bit of bastard in his temperament.  This is a boy who doesn't have a great grasp on the meaning of the word no, and will scheme to get around this negativity by any means necessary.  Sometimes he needs to be reminded, and frankly he'd benefit from being knocked down a few pegs.  

And that's why he's avoidant.  He will try and talk his way, charm his way, hell even sing or dance his way out of things before actually confronting them.  Changing the subject?  Absolutely.  Pretend a problem doesn't exist for long enough, and it'll go away entirely-- in Wake's mind at least.  Avoid, deny, and avoid some more.   Out of sight out of mind is really how Wake responds to problems.  And adversity.  And really most other things in his life (oops.)  

He can be a pain in the neck.  That's accentuated by the fact that he loves to be the center of attention.  Positive, negative, or otherwise, Wake is the life of the party.  It may be hard for others to take him seriously, and that's probably for the best.  Wake is full of surprises, but in the same way a package that looks like your Amazon order is actually a glitter bomb rigged to explode.  He wants to be seen, but he does not want to be known.  No, like, really.  He doesn't want anyone to dig past the veneer of a pirate bard who is trying just hard enough to make it look like his best work.

Alignment: chaotic dumbass neutral
Skills: intellect & ... TBD
Intended plots: u know the stereotype d&d bard?  also I sorta want to turn him into a prophet lmao, but one who only serves prophecies so vague that they have to come true