
Hunters and Gatherers



10-27-2013, 09:56 PM

She was aware of Song hanging back and going off a little on her own. Eyes turned to look back as she paused. Her sister seemed to have something on her mind. She would have to remember to ask her about it later. Gently she nosed through the plants, searching under bushes. A weight leaned into her leg and she smiled as she looked at Novel. She chuckled softly at her nieces words."It's alright dear. I'll show you." She said. Eyes returned to the plants infront of her. t once she spotted a clump of goldenrods. She smiled and padded over to them." These are goldenrods. They are always tall and have these bright yellow flowers on them. We'll gather them by carefully nipping them at the base of the stems. Like this." She instructed and went to cut a few from the base of the plant."These are good for healing wounds. You chew them into poultice and apply it to cleaned wounds. Now you give it a try." She said and sat back to watch.

Mentally she checkd the herb off her list and eyed a few thick bushs not to far away. She knew dock loved to grow in leafy areas so that might be a good place to check. Nose lifted to take in a deep sniff. The faint tangy scent difted to her to confirm the plant was growing over there. They would hea there next after Novel cut a few goldenrods. Hopefully they could find a large leaf or two to help wrap up their bundles and carry the herbs back home too.

After Novel had gathered a few, Symphony picked up the plants before heading to the bushes. She waved her tail for Novel to follow. She placed the goldenrod down and sniffed her way under a bush and lifted a branch with her shoulder."You see these large leaves that smell tangy? Thats Dock which is good for scratches and sore paw pads. Though when applied to wounds it may sting abit. They always have a tangy scent and taste to them. We'll gather them by digging them up from the roots so we dont ruin the leaves." She crawled in farther into the bush and carefully set to digging up the dirt around the plants.
