
i'm all out of good bear puns, sorry



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

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3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
07-24-2023, 09:12 PM

Dread takes the beast head on and, the much shorter girl, begins to worry about him. The metallic scent of blood fills the air, causing Haydée’s stomach to roll and the image of her father’s mutilated corpse to flash before her eyes. Her steps falter for a moment but she shoves away the memory along with the involuntary reaction to the scent so that she can help the boy. Racing back in for another attack, the girl only has a split second to decide on the target.

At first, she thinks of using Dread as a springboard to get back up on top of the bear, perhaps to remove an eye, but, as she moves in, she finds an even better option. Paws shift, pushing up to and past Dread as she darts between the grizzly’s front legs. There, dangling in front of her like two bullseyes, Hay finds her targets. With a smirk suddenly tugging her lips up, she wonders what Dread will think of her after this.

The roar that follows her strike is a strange sound, as if it is suddenly terrified and deeply wounded all at the same time. Haydée reappears from underneath the creature, something obviously in her mouth as she races over to where she had spit out the ear. Unceremoniously, she dumps one part the beast’s manhood next to it before spinning around to begin another attack. If she didn’t know any better, she would say that the grizzly looks rather afraid of her now and she cannot stop the grin that splits her bloody maw.

Maybe it would actually run away… maybe.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. i'm all out of good bear puns, sorry Fern Gulley 08:19 PM, 07-24-2023 03:27 AM, 02-13-2024