
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-08-2013, 08:50 PM

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Desdemona had hated every last second of the hunt. Demonio had just claimed her for his own not a scarce few days before, and she had not had enough time to memorize everything about him. but Kaien had chosen her, along with a handful of other new recruits to test their abilities, and while they had not disappointed, she had missed him terribly so. His carefree tones were not there to fill the empty silence, his smile was not a welcome visage beside her, his scent was not slowly drowning her in its plume. The last day of the journey, she had assumed a leadership role, forcing the wolves harder, faster. She had wanted to make it home before the sun fell, and still they had made it back so utterly late. Desdemona wished for nothing more than the warmth of her beloved.

Strong legs carried her without hesitation to her love. Her massive frame rippling with power as she navigated the lands of Tortuga with ease. She reached him swiftly, unable to stay away not now that she was free of duty, moving beside him was done instinctively, habitually. She wanted to be closer, to touch him, to remind herself that he was here. A living, breathing piece of her. She absorbed him, took in everything that she loved about him. His appearance, his scent, the gentle rumbling snores. She loved him to the point of pain, her heart beating erratically against her ribs as she merely breathed him in.

The thought of them living together for the remainder of their days, having pups, having a true honest to God family, tears welled in the corners of her eyes and her heart beat even harder against its cage, it seemed like an impossible dream, made real only by the wolf that lay beneath her. Her tongue bathed the gentle nook behind his ear with the delicate touch of a butterflies wing and her love stirred. His eyes fogged with sleep and slight confusion blinked repeatedly. He smiled and nuzzled her maw, his own pink tongue escaping him to return her affections. She accepted the caress with a smile. She didn't even attempt to hide her emotions from him, not any longer.

"Good does not begin to describe how amazing a sight you are."[.color] Her snout brushed alongside his, she could feel his heart drumming through his back, steady and strong. [COLOR=blue]"I love you Demonio." She murmured just as softly back to him, her words were meant only for his ears.
