
Banking on a dream

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-27-2023, 02:04 AM

Avacyn craved his reassurance. She desperately wanted to believe that this was truly meant to be, that they were right in choosing one another as their soul mate, that the bond of their souls being one meant that they would be gifted the same healthy, strong family that the rest of the Mendacium wolves were guaranteed. All she had needed was for Saracyn to insist those beliefs and desires were true to tip the balance in her conflicted mind that continued to want to follow the ingrained beliefs and laws that had been tattered and skewed by Saracyn's love. Instead, his accusations and insistence that she should have stayed with Albion felt like a lance through her heart and her ears fell back against her head as her chest tightened with an ever deepening conflicted confusion. Hesitantly she lifted her tearful gaze up to his and the hurt she saw there instead of the understanding she had needed made it hard to breathe. Her hold on him loosened until her forelegs fell away from his sides as he continued about how this had always been the plan, how they had always been meant to raise a family together, and that was when she realized that they had never actually discussed having pups in all of their discussions of their future together. This had been his plan, but it hadn't been hers.

His words cut deep as he put the weight of this back on her shoulders, citing his unwavering belief in the fact that they were meant to be soul mates and that they were meant to follow the path that every other Mendacium couple followed, accusing her of not having the same convictions. As his words trailed off she realized what he was implying. It was up to her whether or not they kept these pups. The thought of aborting them had never crossed her mind–only the fear that they could be born with some kind of life altering defect if they were born alive at all. "N-No! No, I don't want that, I just..." she exclaimed, her voice trembling and wavering as her gaze fell from his to the ground as she pulled back into herself, a shaky paw lifting to rest on her belly where their pups had only just begun to form. "I'm just afraid..." she admitted quietly, still unable to meet his gaze as the tears that had been accumulating in her eyes fell over her cheeks. She opened her mouth to say more, but ultimately just closed it again as she swallowed hard past a lump in her throat. It was obvious that it didn't matter what she said, Saracyn wasn't going to see the situation the way she did. She was far too logical, too analytical, too in grained in the meaning and purpose behind their family's beliefs.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"