
Just A Spoon Full Of Sugar

Wylan & Zion Herb Hunting


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
07-27-2023, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2023, 05:31 PM by Keahi. Edited 2 times in total.)

With the strange phenomena happening in the lands, the wolves of the Armada have been on edge. Halo, with her new, large litter of pups has taken steps to prepare emergency kits for… well, anything. Keahi has been lending her paws where ever she can around the pack and has been doing everything from cleaning kills to hunting for herbs. Speaking of herbs… the red woman casts a glance over at the two pups that are waddling along beside her, the woman making a conscious effort to slow her steps for them.

When Halo had approached her about going to the nearby Devil’s Spout to collect some Boneset, the natural-born explorer had readily agreed. Now, having five pups let alone six, is a daunting task for any parent so, when had Halo had asked if Keahi would minded taking a couple of said pups along, the red woman had assured her that it would be a pleasure. And, it really has been.

A warm smile is on her lips as they walk, the woman often casting glances to the pups and checking in to make sure that they are okay. The small group stop often for breaks when the pups need them and, having set out in the morning, the trio arrive at the Devil’s Spout in the early afternoon. The chill in the air is noticeable but, thankfully, the cold snap has yet to arrive so there are still plenty of plants around.

Pulling to a stop Keahi turns to her two charges and says, “Alright you two! We are looking to gather some Boneset.” As she talks, the woman unshoulders the leather bag that the healer had given her, reaching in to pull out a sprig of the herb she is talking about. She holds it aloft so they can both see and smell it before she returns it to the bag. Next, she removes three large squares of cloth and lays them out on a nearby, flat-ish rock.

Turning back the pups, a smile wiggles her lips as she says, “What do you say we make this a game?” Once they agree, Keahi lays out the rules, “Alright, every good game has rules! First one, you have to stay where I can see you. Do not get close to that area over there.” A paw lifts to jut out at where the geyser lays, thankfully, dormant. “If you go over there, you forfeit the game and have to sit right here until it is over.”

A stern look is given before the smile reappears and she says, “Now, the game is simple. Collect as much Boneset as you can, without stealing from the others, and bring it back to your cloth before the time is up! Everyone ready?” She looks over them before beginning the count down, “On three. One… Two… Three!” With that she releases the puppies to collect herbs an ingenious way (if she does say so herself) of getting them to work without knowing that they are.

With a chuckle, she moves off to collect some herself while keeping a keen eye on them.

"Keahi Mogotsi"