
Just A Spoon Full Of Sugar

Wylan & Zion Herb Hunting


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-27-2023, 05:40 PM

Wylan’s interest in healing was no secret. He wasn’t sure exactly when it started, but from day one he and his siblings had been surrounded by the scent of growing things. Their bumps and scrapes had been tended to, and their mothers garden had been within reach from the moment they could leave the den. But perhaps his real interest had begun when he had found the Polar Bear cub, and his mother had picked him up and carried him home, seeing to his extensive injuries while Wylan had watched, and fetched and carried.

So being picked for a herb hunting trip outside pack lands had filled him to the brim with excitement. It was his first trip outside the Armada, and he wanted to know everything He pestered Keahi with questions until it felt like the phrase 'what's that?’ was burnt onto his lips. But the pack Gladiator was nothing if not welcoming towards his curiosity.

He kept his wings up when he realised Zion would hide under them. Snuggling it around her and holding her close as he walked. His own eyes were bright with curiosity, and he explained the shadows she saw in an attempt to transform them into less scary and ordinary things.

When at last they arrived, his paws were foot-sore in a way he was unfamiliar with, but his good nature hadn’t waned. He studied the boneset when it was held out before them. Sniffing and touching it carefully as he committed it to memory. It was very important as a healer not to mix up herbs, or so his mother had told him.

Keahi laid out the rules of the game, and he cast a curious gaze to the area outside of the limits. “But why, Auntie Keahi?” he asked, sniffing the air in that direction. There was a strange sort of smell to it, but he couldn’t begin to decide what it was. Or, maybe it was a little like when Warden let out a really bad fart. Giggling at the thought, he bounced on his paws, and then started to run when Keahi told them to. Bouncing around the oddly barren territory. This place was like nothing he had ever seen before, and it was tough to keep his attention where he needed to.


[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning