
Hoping For A Better Tomorrow



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-28-2013, 02:52 AM

The girls many thoughts began to consum her, turning darker and darker with each new thought that penetrated her mind. Though she had fled from Amenti, she knew that Canttina or someone from there would come seeking her and Gretel. A shuddering intake of breath entered her body at the thought, hating the fact that her life was in the paws of fate that way. Oh how cruel fate was...first her home was taken not once but twice, and then she had gone off on an innocent exploration just to end up in a dark hole, beaten, battered and bruised on a constant basis. Though her pads were cracked with blood and cuts, back at the battlefield when she had seen Gretel's brother and his friend fight against Ryu, she had found new strength to help. But before she could make the decision to help, Ryu had fled and Hansel took her and Gretel away. Avalon turned her had back to glance at her battered body, her once glorious and fluffy coat was matted, dulled, and discolored from blood, dirt and grime. She was reaching her full height, not quite there but in just another month or two she would definitely be at her full thirty nine inches. If she was still a slave and taken back, then Avalon would fight for her freedom. First though, she wanted to learn how to fight in the first place...and hopefully someone kind enough could teach her that.

A voice and a question would whip her from her thoughts, and the childs head would come around as quick as lightning in a startled expression to face the newcomer. Her heart beat wildly within her broad chest, eyes clearly showing fear. Her ears lied flat atop her head and her tail instinctively curled around her body as she tensed. Looking over the Seracian, she noted that there was no hostility within the womans features...but could she trust her? "I...I don't need any help." She lied. Of course she would lie, she was afraid. What if this stranger tried to hurt her the same way Canttina had?

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