
The outsider


10-28-2013, 03:28 AM
The cool breeze of the autumn season cast itself upon the young male. He reveled in the coolness, as it meant winter would approach soon. And winter of course, was his favorite season. He wanted so badly to feel the cool snow under his paws, but alas he would have to wait for the opportunity. If he could join an ice pack he would do so in an instant, but of course the only two packs that resided in the North were ones that had completely different views and morals then he did. One was run by power hungry women, the other by power hungry and prided beasts that he would steer clear of. Both he would keep away from in fact, not wanting to risk himself in their presence. Though he had scented the scent of Glaciem upon his mom, he hoped she wasn't an actual part of their pack. He wanted to see her again, but knew not where exactly she was...and he would not go near the Glaciem borders to find out.

After several minutes of walking, Byakuro would weave in and out of the danglings fingers of the trees until he came to a stop. Panting, he'd cast his gaze about for water, as his throat would plead with him for a drink. He would turn to another direction to seek water, and it was then he'd turn his sights upon another that walked the same lands as he. Curious, the young male would approach with caution, wondering who she might be. "Hello there, my name is Byakuro. May I ask what yours is?" He would inquire politely, soft vocals drifting eagerly and relaxed in the air before them.