
We can eat babies in your sleep


10-28-2013, 03:42 AM

The young boy would stand calmly at the male who would respond with a growl towards him. Instead of responding back with hostility, he simply stepped back a couple paces to allow the angry male room. Dipping his head in quick respect, he listened patiently as the man told him of what he thought. Byakuro would remain calm, inclining his gaze to the male. He would hold no qualms or hostility to him, that's not who Kura was. He had simply wanted to know if the black male would allow assistance, and if not then all was well and fine. "I apologize then Sir, for inconveniencing you. But it is in my very core and nature to aid those that appear to need it, whether they are good or bad. Kindness does not judge, just as I do not. But I won't press the matter." he responded in a calm and kind tone, not surprised if his calmness would offset the male. Whether it would or not, Kura would make an attempt to calm the situation.

"My name is Byakuro, Son of Renesme. May I have the courtesy of learning your name, Sir?" Whether the male wanted to tell his name or not, Byakuro would remain with the same graced kindness and respect that one would expect a young wolf to give to an older one. His father had taught him high morals, and he would continue to uphold that aspect in honor of his father's memory. Slowly, he would lightly bite his lower lip as he thought about how his father was faring...had the disease killed him already? Or was he waiting for his Son to return home with his mother to say their last goodbyes?
