
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-08-2013, 08:22 PM

After Desdemona had accepted to be his mate, which was the most amazing thing in the entire world, Demonio had escorted his woman to their new home; Tortuga. They had barely set paw upon their new pack territory when their king Kaien had sent Des to go out on a hunt. He hadn't wanted her to go, his chest constricting painfully at the thought of being seperated from her, but with a heavy reluctance he'd bid her farewell, promising to greet her when she'd return. He would have kept her back if he could, but she had recieved a direct order from their kind and he knew it was not wise to deny an order from the king. And so she'd gone, leaving Demonio behind to find a suitable place for them to call their own.

It had been four days, four days that he had gone without seeing his love, without feeling her gentle touch, without hearing her beautiful voice or seeing her gorgeous smile. Four days was the longest they'd ever been apart and he hoped they'd never be apart longer than that. He couldn't stand it. He hadn't known what to do with himself, often times driving himself mad with pacing. On the fourth day he'd settled for searching for a den for himself and his mate, somewhere they could retire too at the end of a long day, a little space that was all their own. It was the perfect, tucked away into the side of a hill, a small ravine the only barracade for unwanted visitors. It was roomy enough for the two of them, with enough space were they to plan on creating a family in the near future. Just thinking about having children with Desdemona made butterflies stir in his stomach.

And so Demonio had claimed the den as their own, using his scent to mark it in case anyone else tried to say they had claimed it before him. The silver moon hung about the darkened heavens, casting its glow across the sleeping landscape. The ivory knight had settled down for the night, another day having gone by without him having seen his woman. He'd expected her to have returned that day, but it seemed the hunt had taken longer than necessary. With a heavy heart he'd gone inside their den, settling down near the back, his frame curling into a loose circle, crown resting atop his large paws, curled around his hindquarters. Chest expanded and deflated with each breath, audits resting comfortably against his skull, dreams of Desdemona flitting through his subconscious mind.

In his dream he was curled with Des, her matching ivory frame curled up behind his, her neck nuzzled against his. And then suddenly he could feel something wet caressing the back of his ear, yet the dream Des wasn't licking his ear, simply lying behind him, sleeping peacefully. What...Dual-hued jewels slowly cracked open, fluttering as he struggled to regain his sight, his senses coming back to him slowly. The first thing he took notice of was the warmth behind him, the faint drum of a steadyheart beat. And then the gentle licking against his ear. Who...Demonio craned his neck back, sleepy gems locking on the figure of his woman as she snuggled up behind him, gently licking his ear to stir him. A sleepy smile curved his lips as he gently nuzzled her, ribbon lashing out to caress her maw as his jaw parted, husky vocals vibrating in his larynx.

Goodmorning amor, did you just get here? he whispered, his words still slightly slurred from slumber. Lids fluttered rapidly until his sight finally adjusted, his mate's stunning form finally coming into clear view.

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