
Perfection from Nose to Tail

Litter #2 birth!


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

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An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
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07-30-2023, 07:44 PM

Artorias did as Briar asked of him, sticking by her side as her labors began, pacing with her just to be next to her when she was walking and settling in to wrap protectively around her when she laid down. Willow returned soon with Gwynevere and Artorias greeted his sister with a grateful smile. Knowing they had Gwyn to handle all of their medical needs had long been one of Artorias' greatest sources of respite. The well seasoned healer set to her work, helping guide Briar through the familiar process of birth while Artorias offered physical and emotional support to his mate as she birthed their newest litter. Gwyn provided Briar with some medicine and the Aegis was already on his paws to fetch a dish of water for his Queen to wash them down with. He exchanged a smile with his love before she drank and he once more took his place at her side, offering his foreleg for her to hold onto or bite down on or whatever she needed to make herself comfortable. He was here for her 100%.

Over time, Briar's contractions became more frequent until she was forced down to her birthing bed beside the fireplace when her body could take no more. Briar leaned into him and rested on him like a giant body pillow, which Artorias was of course all too happy to be for her. Some time, a few strong pushes and some labored breathing later, and Briar was pushing out the first of their pups. Art held Briar's paw while she squeezed his arm, speaking soft words of encouragement to her all the while she strained and pushed, nuzzling and licking at her neck and forehead with nothing short of pure love. Then with a sigh of relief from her and a squeal of life, their first pup was born. There was no way to tell how many they had conceived this time, but judging by how round Briar had become this pregnancy and the size of their firstborn child, it seemed they had quite a few more to go. The first pup born was a boy, dark as night with bands of aurora colors rippling down his coat. He was stunning in every way, and as Gwyn placed the pup at Briar's belly, Art couldn't help but marveling at their son's beauty.

Craning his neck over Briar's swollen belly so he could better inspect his son, Artorias beamed from ear to ear like a proud father should, his bushy tail wagging a mile a minute from his hind end. Briar pointed out the distinctive Fatalis slash marks over his left eye, and while they were small now, they would grow more pronounced as the boy aged. Art chuckled and shot Briar a grin. "We'll have to watch your father around this one. Seer might want to take him home as his own," he teased her. No doubt Sirius would be ecstatic to see some of his notable Fatalis genes continued on in future generations. As the boy began to feed, the couple once more began their preparations for the next pup to make their appearance, Artorias quietly wondering how much their family would be growing by today.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. Perfection from Nose to Tail Amron's Castle 01:08 PM, 06-07-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024