



10-28-2013, 07:23 AM

Preoccupied with the assault he faced, Isardis would have had no opportunity to notice the going-ons between Sendoa and Taurig; however perhaps if he had, the pale king would have wasted not a breath to issue the blue babe with his nearing death. To betray was one crime, but to wound and thieve the vital pulsing of the albinos jugular, his life-line, his adore? it was the last straw, and the betraying fool?s existence would be short lived. Regardless, the albino ghoul would leave no room for distractions; attentions focused to that of the unwise monochrome virile as skull would land against the structures of Tidus? left face, mind craving the results of his next attack as brain would swiftly begin to brew over.

It seemed however, that a splitting of pain near his shoulder would come accompanied by the thump of a woman who he had failed to notice coming earlier; her body tossed against his side as the man would find himself somewhat alarmed, however chosing to embrace the moment as he fleetingly allowed her impact to toss both their weight towards Tidus; left shoulder loosely sent towards Tidus? own left blade as he attempted to use the angled momentum of Rivaxorus? body-power, hinds uncoiling. The girl threatened to distract him, however suddenly his foremost opponent would drop, and before thinking it through any more, Isardis would lunge towards his foolish form (snout pointed towards Tidus' left stomach), now seemingly sprawled belly-up, and aim a rapid attack of flashing canines towards the softest structures of his exposed lower abdomen; where he would attempt to dig into the vital organs behind the ribs and hold as the beast would possibly continue to roll away from him; hoping that he would persist onwards and cause unknowing and critical damage to himself before standing.

It seemed his forward motions towards Tidus would excuse him unknowingly from the red womans blow, however a pale Amenti vulpess that had recently captured his attentions would engage within his aide; a mental note creasing about the folds of his mind as he promised to remember her. He would attempt to stick close to the foolish man, angled snout-to-left-side, hinds pivoting, somewhat puzzled by his willingness to expose vitals in a sluggish attempt at maneuverability. Their angles had shifted since initiation, and so upon the lifting of his bodice the polar opponent?s attempt at reaching a hind limb would be proven unsuccessful as Isardis would strive to follow the momentum of his skull; elbows still dropped from his previous attack as a fleeting bite would be felt clasping the skin between his left forelimb and the creased fat deposit of his frontal chest.

A yelping of painful offense would claw from the jaws of the now blood-thirsty King; narrowed rubies calculating a vicious bite to the offenders eyes as elegant skull would rotate significantly right, ambitious to send gleaming orifice an educated distance apart as he would strive to fittingly sink upper canines into Tidus? left eye socket and a lower canine into the mans right simultaneously; seen as an attempted grasp downwards and over the face, willing to try and pivot his jaw until he felt them fall into place. If the boy wanted to play with fire he would learn to get burned; Isardis never fought with low intentions- it was all or nothing, and so he would so ambitiously strive to take both the brujos eyes, or completely eliminate his vision. Defenses would still stand; limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked flush against throat to prevent any access to jugular, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready.

Isardis vs. Tidus ? Round 2 of 3!

For both eyes/blinding.

Defenses: Clearly listed in last para.

Attacks: Aiming to use Riv?s force of her sideways push to hit Tidus? left shoulder blade with Isars left shoulder blade; the momentum of him moving away causing Rivs bite to miss. Tidus then drops to roll and Isardis leaps towards him in an attempt to stay close, aiming a vicious bite to the exposed abdomen as Tidus is rolling; striving to latch and hold onto the soft vitals of his flesh and organs (positioned Isars snout to Tidus? stomach/left when standing). I got quite confused with the clarity of some angles here, but Isardis then aims a blow to both of Tidus? eyes in an attempt to completely blind- rotating skull downwards and to the right to try and latch over the top of the face and into the sockets.

Injuries: Very slightly bruised right side, torn skin and fat between shoulder and neck on left, minor bite would to fat layer on leftward chest and very top of left forelimb. Angles were a bit weird on the last one, so I just played it as if Isar?s front-ways angle exposed his forelimb/chest more so than anything; he should have had plenty of time to react to Tidus' roll.