
we have a hope we must defend


Morganna II


Advanced Navigator (105)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-01-2023, 12:28 AM

Only trouble when all the trunks were red and all the leaves were green was that Morganna couldn't tell one tree from the next. She trusted her friends to lead the way home at the end of the day, after all they had gotten her here, but she supposed she should stop one night and actually pay attention to the stars. They'd have to be different to home right? Anyway, those were all concerns for another day, her dad was leading the way to show her something special, and when they came upon a hole in the tree trunk, almost like one of those noisy tree peckers had hollowed it out chasing a grub, well, the only thing to do was pop up on her hind legs and take a peek.

The girl's pale green eyes grew so wide they almost rivaled the tiny white egg in size. She was careful not to breath too heavily on the delicate shell in case she broke it. "Where's her mum?" The girl whispered with concern, her brows drawing down as she looked up at the owl above with a questioning glance. Her ravens had come to perch on a branch in the same tree and while she knew their greedy looks had little to do with taking the egg and raising it as their own, she also knew they wouldn't eat her present from her dad... Would they? The thought of taking the egg and hatching it and training the little bird inside was a daunting one, but she was up for it, right? How did one even look after an egg anyway?

All problems for her mum to answer probably. She dropped back down to have all four paws on the ground and gave a determined nod. "Do we get it out of there or look after it here until it hatches?"
