
the bearer of bad news

bramble seasonal


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-01-2023, 06:49 PM

Aware. It was something she needed to be. A necessity if she one day wanted to be on the High Council. She was still young though and had time to form herself into something worthy. Not that her father would tell her to ever change her true self, but she had her own high expectations. A grand name to live up to. That much was true and she felt it every day. Watching her father and mother move about the halls, speaking with others, conducting themselves with poise. Why couldn't she have that kind of poise? In all honesty, she was feeling more and more like a gangly teenager not fully grown into her own body more and more each day. Life was rough being a princess.

Feeling moody and rather dramatic, instead of working on her skills like she should have been, Bramble decides to journey out to the ridge. Maybe go pick a fight with some old bones or some coyotes trying to dig up the fossils. Felt like the sensible thing to do, right? Eh, even if it wasn't, it would at least help her release some of the heavy energy she felt boiling in her belly. With a grumble in her throat and her brow knitted tightly together, she crossed the border into the hills where she began to see large fossilized bones sticking out from the ground. Which one, which one to pick on...

Contemplating more than actually looking, she was caught off guard by the sound of a bear. A bear? Here? This far from the wooded areas? Bramble's brow furrows more as she picks up her pace to the top of a rolling hill. From there, she can see the black bear already engaged with a chocolate and white splashed boy and his companion. Ah, a familiar face. Already, the agitation is disappearing and a smile is forming. Still, the question as to why a bear was all the way out here worried her. It would indeed be something she need to mention to her father... Also, why was she always getting into fights with bears?

Whether the boy would need help or not, Bramble rushed in to assist. Coming prepared today with her sharpened and elongated canine covers, she bares her teeth as she comes running into the fray. Dipping around to the back side of the bear, Bramble lunges and is able to latch on to the bear's back leg. Her fisher, Berry, slides from her scruff and onto the bear's back where he runs up to grab on to the bear's ear and begin to bite and pull to help distract the enraged beast.

word count: 963/1500

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. the bearer of bad news Fossil Ridge 09:51 PM, 07-18-2023 01:24 PM, 09-27-2023