
Raider brats

Modesty/Gilgamesh round 2


08-02-2023, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2023, 11:57 AM by SailyntSteps. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: SailyntSteps

Character's Name: Thelonius

Gender: Male

Adult Height: Large

Height: 36”

Build: Medium

Appearance Description:

Mutations: (Optional)


MUTE - Thelonius is a male of few spoken words. Some would even say he was mute. Choosing to speak through the movement of his body or even facial expressions. Until proven that such a conversation is worth his voice.

CHARMER - One would say that Theo's silence was attractive. A listener. Instead of a talker. Those he found he wished to keep around, this make knew exactly what to say or even what to do. His actions speak much louder then words ever would.

RESPECTFUL & LOYAL: One thing that Thelonius holds dear to his heart, thanks to his father, is the view of respect and loyalty. He requires respect upon meeting strangers. Having no remorse when it comes to fighting others. Only acting to those that come off highly disrespectful.

EMOTIONLESS: Thelonius doesn't care. Since birth, he has never once shown emotion. Cried. Smiled. A simple void in darkness of the world.

UNPREDICTABLE: He is quite the manipulator and enjoys straying others along when it comes to things he desires. He has a way with twisting words to sound oh so inviting.

ANTI-HERO: He is what I like to call the anti-hero. Though death and darkness are a major part of his personality he is capable of apathy and sympathy. He has a soft spot for the unique and broken.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Intended plots: Whatever life throws at him. I want him to find his own path.