
a dreary late evening



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
08-02-2023, 04:44 PM

She giggled. Something in Víðarr's chest swelled. It's a feeling he doesn't know how to put into words, a rush that he cannot explain or anticipate. All of her, all of Tenshi, a rush to his head. A giggle, a growl. They move quickly, dancing, remaining in time with each other. A delicate dance, and something that brings them close together. She is gravity. Tenshi has a way of drawing him in, the center of his world. He wouldn't have it any other way. Heightened emotion, heightened everything. Tangled together with the red string of fate, the pair moves in perfect time.

It's dizzying. Víðarr can taste her blood on his tongue, and this only drives him more. Excites him further. She was flattened to the ground beneath her, and the viking takes the bait. He postured over her, leaning down to place his teeth at the back of her neck, and then again behind her ears. None of it is hard, no, but it's possessive. Tenshi was his. Víðarr was nearly mad with it, and he loved every minute.

She takes him by surprise, going from laying to standing in a fluid movement. While the viking begins to topple, he reaches out in an effort to grasp Tenshi. Grab and hold. If Víðarr was going down, then he would do what he could to take her with him. He cannot help the brassy chuckle that lives in his chest, in his throat. He is reveling in it, feeling the glory wash over his body and through his head. Yes, this is exactly what Víðarr needs. Her.

Víðarr vs Tenshi for dominance
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Gauntlets
Defensive Battle Accessory: Lamellar Shirt
Companion 1: Karelian bear dog, male - Battle
Companion 2: Tawny owl, Female - Battle
*Companion 3: Karelian bear dog, female - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Cooperative
[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.

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1. a dreary late evening The Runestones 11:17 AM, 05-11-2023 03:25 PM, 09-21-2023