
With new responsibility comes new relationships




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 06:46 PM

Avacyn chuckled softly as Bellamy mentioned the unlikely nature of her mother being dethroned by anything besides her own choice to retire. That was also quite true, but stranger things had happened in the world. There was many dark hearted individuals out there and predators that could get the upper hand if given the right circumstances. As if reading her thoughts, Bellamy went on to warn her to be on her guard, making her frown with concern when she mentioned a killer having been at her borders. There was a heavy pause before Bellamy shared that the individual that had been taken by this killer was none other than her mate. Ava's gaze widened with shock, her ears flicking back as sympathy creased her brow. "Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss, Bellamy," she replied softly. If they hadn't just met she would have reached out to embrace her, but instead she settled for just resting her paw on Bellamy's shoulder for a moment.

"Of course, I appreciate the heads up," she said in reply to the fact that her fellow alpha had wished to speak on better terms, but had wanted to warn her of the danger regardless. Lowering her paw as she continued to listen, nodding with understanding as it was shared that her daughter, Haydeé, could potentially take over the reigns of leadership if the loss proved to be too much for Bellamy to bear. She could certainly understand. If something were to ever happen to Saracyn she highly doubted that she would be able to carry on and keep everyone else's needs front of mind while trying to process one of the hardest losses one could go through. "Absolutely. Your daughter taking over will change nothing as far as the relationship between our packs is concerned," she assured her with a gentle smile. "In fact, please let Haydeé know that if she needs any help to just let me know. As a young leader myself I feel like the two of us can look out for one another."

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. With new responsibility comes new relationships Lazuli Falls 02:39 PM, 05-08-2023 06:15 AM, 09-25-2023