
Friend of a Friend




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 07:14 PM

Sirius met her answers with more questions, but he was only the second alpha that she was meeting with that Elysium didn't already have an established alliance with so it wasn't all that surprising. If anything this was teaching her what to be more specific about in her explanations and perhaps to not underestimate what could be covered in a first meeting. "So far we have been trading precious metals and gems that we mine from our mountains, a wide variety of furs and skins, and some herbal remedies made by our Master Physician, but I'm always brain storming other things that we can include in our trade offerings," she explained. Given that Armada had an open market she wasn't surprised that was a topic that Sirius was curious about.

There was a short pause as she considered answers to his other questions. While she did trust Sirius well enough purely from what she had heard about him from other leaders, he was still mostly a stranger to her so she wanted to be honest without oversharing. "Elysium does not have any sworn enemies, necessarily, though there are a few that we have had disagreements with," she finally shared. "My mother held a grudge toward Tojo-kai, but we have not had any contact with them so I don't for see that grudge holding under my rule. The only other packs we have held issue with are Insomnia and Pirate's Plunder–though in my recent travels I did notice that the Pirates have either moved or scattered so I'm uncertain whether they are still a concern."

"For our allies, I've tried to keep our agreements focused on our mutual trade and sharing of knowledge. I do not expect any of our allies to endanger themselves in our fights if we ever find ourselves in that situation unless they feel so inclined. I'm also more willing to negotiate terms on a case by case basis so if, for example, you expect your allies to fight with you but don't want open borders the way we have with some of our other allies I'm flexible and willing to meet in the middle on things." Turning a curious gaze to him now, she asked, "And you? Where is Armada when it comes to enemies and alliances?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"