
hold your breath my dear, we're going under



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-02-2023, 07:43 PM
Rogue had genuinely expected his reason of his empress mother's decree to be more than enough to make sense to the strange girl, but alas, she proved just how much of a heathen she was when she wrinkled her nose and questioned him further. The midnight-furred pup looked almost insulted when she dared to challenge his mother's authority. Who was she to so openly defy the Ashen Empress and his family? Didn't she know they were nobles?! "You definitely should, since she's the alpha and owner of everything you see around you," he retorted, once more passively pointing out how her trespassing put her on his family's land. She was just lucky he hadn't called the guards yet to have her chased out or captured. That thought was ever present on the boy's mind though, kept like an ace up his sleeve in case he needed it. Besides, he hadn't ever seen anyone get captured by the guards yet and the idea was terribly funny to Rogue to think about.

The heathen girl introduced herself as Henbane, an odd name he'd never heard of before. The wrinkle of his nose betrayed his thoughts on how strange her name sounded. "Rogue," he introduced himself in turn. He didn't bother giving his family name. If she hadn't heard of Ashen, then there was no way she'd have heard of the Klein dynasty. Henbane explained with a shocking amount of vulgarity that she had been chasing a rabbit. Rogue's eyes widened a bit. He'd heard his sire swear when he hadn't known the pups were around, but he'd never heard anyone their age use that kind of language! "Uh... thanks?" Rogue didn't really know what else to say to that. He decided that Henbane was weird as well. Cautiously approaching the girl and the hole in the ground, the pup peered down into the dark warren. "There's a river that cuts through the land here. If we find something that can scoop up water, we could try to flood it out." No animal would stay long in a flooding hole in the ground. It seemed like the easiest way to flush Hen's prey out of its hiding place.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. hold your breath my dear, we're going under Redwater Rocks 09:56 PM, 05-11-2023 06:15 AM, 02-09-2024