
Banking on a dream

Saracyn <3


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 08:16 PM

The moment he saw Avacyn's head lift back so that her smiling face, slight as it was, was peering up at him, Saracyn melted for her. Avacyn was his everything. His life, his love, his heart and his soul. She was his earth and moon and stars. His heaven and paradise. His beginning and his end. Without her, he was nothing. Thinking for even just a split second that she had second thoughts or regrets about being soul mates had crushed him like his entire world had crumbled around him and he was falling into oblivion. Ava claimed that he was going to be a good father and Sara couldn't help the snort of amusement that escaped him, raising a questioning brow to her. "Really? You think your hotheaded, short-tempered mate is going to be a good father? I'd give myself 'okay father' at best," he retorted only a bit in jest just to make her smile more. "But I'll have you to help balance me out, so I suppose our pups might have a fighting chance at a normal upbringing." A naughty smirk teased at his lips as he added on, "At the very least, we'll have to try to be better than Mom and Dad were about not getting caught having sex." Memories of the time they had caught their parents coupling in the Rock Garden came to mind, making the dire brute chuckle to himself. What a wild childhood they'd had...

Feeling Avacyn's paw rest over top of his over her belly where he'd planted his pups within her brought another flutter to Sara's heart, still reeling as he realized this was all happening for real. They were having puppies. They were going to be parents! His inward thoughts were briefly interrupted when he felt his twin's lips press a gentle kiss to his, pulling a pleasantly surprised murr from him as he melted into her affections. She declared her love for him, making his bushy, white-tipped tail wag over the grass behind him like a happy puppy. "I love you too," he replied in resolute honesty. Avacyn wasn't done yet thought, and she continued on to reassure him that she did and that she did want this future for them, but she was worried about what it would look like. Sara shook his head and cupped Ava's cheek with his free paw, tilting her muzzle up so he could claim it in another, more deeply passionate kiss, letting his lips sear hers with the depths of his devotion for her.

He kissed her like this for a few long moments before he finally retreated enough to speak, cerulean pools meeting obsidian jewels as their gazes held. "This is the future the Ancients planned for us. It's why we were made together, a matching pair, our souls forever entwined. If the Ancients had any wishes for this to not happen, they've had many chances to see it ended. The fact that we're here together like this, preparing to welcome in our new family, it must mean they approve." It was the only logical conclusion Saracyn could come to. If the Ancients had not wanted him and Avacyn to be soul mated, to conceive children together and bring in the next generation of Mendaciums, they would have struck him down long, long ago.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
