
Banking on a dream

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 10:05 PM

Avacyn smirked a little at her mate's own self-deprecating amusement at the thought that he might be a good father. "I do," she replied resolutely when he questioned whether she really thought he was going to be a good father despite his temper. She knew that if their father could become the amazingly supportive and loving father that he was now then Saracyn was undoubtedly going to do the same. If he was even half as caring with them as he was with her then they were bound to have an amazing upbringing with a wonderfully devoted father. She couldn't disagree with the fact that she was going to be here to balance him out regardless. They were two halves of the same coin–so similar and so different at the same time. Between the two of them maybe they might manage to give these pups the upbringing they deserved. He managed to pull a slightly sniffly bout of laughter from her as he joked about making sure they were better about not getting caught having sex like their own parents, making her grin up at him gratefully for the moment of levity in among all of the heaviness.

Still, there was a nervousness fluttering in her stomach as his paw rested over her belly and her paw rested on top of his. The future felt so uncertain, but with Saracyn's reassurances and confidence she found herself feeling more and more hopeful. She hummed softly with surprise at the passionate kiss that he caught her lips with, but she quickly melted into the affection, letting it sweep her away and reassure her in a completely different way. She knew that no matter what happened Saracyn would still be here and their love for one another wouldn't waver. That was enough to lift her spirits even before he broke their kiss and began to reaffirm the fact that if this hadn't been the Ancient's plan all along then they would have intervened sooner. She couldn't be sure just how much the Ancient's could influence this world beyond the birth of their soul mates, but she had to believe he was right. They were just following through with the destiny that was designed for them and soon they would have the chance to add to their family just as every Mendacium wolf dreamed of doing.

She tipped her muzzle up and nuzzled into the side of his neck, smiling happily as she relaxed for the first time since the diagnosis left Irilyth's lips. "I can't wait to meet them," she said as she gave his paw that was resting on her belly an affectionate squeeze. She knew the upcoming weeks were going to be the longest of their lives, but she didn't want to miss a single moment of it. She began to leave a trail of tender kisses along his jaw, the beginning of a thank you for being the rock she had desperately needed when she had been thrown into a tailspin, but just as she was beginning to lean into him more she felt her stomach starting to turn. After fighting with her fickle stomach over the last several days she immediately knew what was coming and she pulled away from him quickly, hurrying over to the nearby brush before she lost what little bit of her breakfast she had managed to keep down that morning. After a few long moments of retching, her stomach began to settle once more and she gave a shaky sigh as she walked over to the edge of the lake to take a drink and wash out her mouth. Turning her gaze back to Saracyn with an apologetic flick of her ears and a shy smile, she said, "Hopefully that part of the pregnancy doesn't last too long... I should probably go lay down. Walk back to the den with me?"

"Avacyn & Saracyn"