
Love conquers all

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-03-2023, 12:23 AM

The sound of paws moving across the stone path that lead to their den tipped her off to her husband's presence, pulling her gaze away from her belly to lift her obsidian gaze to look at him as he approached. A grin pulled at her lips as her white tipped tail wagged as he immediately settled down onto the fur with her. She was especially glad and surprised to see him since she had expected him to be gone on his hunt longer than he was, but she would never complain about him getting done with his tasks early. As he pulled her into his larger frame, she snuggled into him as well with her paws lightly resting on his chest and her head tucking into the crook of his neck, nuzzling him lovingly as she settled into him.

At his question of how the prince and princess were doing, she chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his jaw. "They're doing well today," she said with an obvious relief. This was the best she had felt in a couple of weeks and it certainly showed. Not only was her nausea held at bay, but any time their pups were active and moving it brought her the best reassurance and calm that she could possibly ask for right now. As his paw rubbed along her round belly, she felt them move again and press into her side where his paw was resting and her grin widened, her tail wagging along with his as she giggled at his own happiness at getting to feel them squirm inside of her. "They are!" she agreed, her own joy obvious in the loving gaze she gave him. "I think they like the warmth when I'm sunbathing," she added and admittedly she did as well. She had felt oddly cold more often than not lately and when she was in their bedroom that was naturally kept cool in the deepest parts of the cave she was almost always wrapped up in warm furs. They had reached the peak of fall now so it was chilly outside even at mid day, but even the warmest furs didn't quite compare to being out in the bright sunlight.

With a content sigh, she slipped her forelegs around his neck, resting her head on his chest and nuzzling into the side of his neck happily. These were the kind of moments that kept her going through all of the nausea, aches, chills, and discomfort that she had felt through the first half of her pregnancy–well, that and the promise of their prince and princess that were well on their way to joining them one day soon. Laying here in the home that she shared with mate, her brother who she loved more than life itself, with their promised children on the way... This was what made it all worth it. Combing her claws through his scruff, a little smirk tugged at her lips as she nuzzled into his neck again and let her muzzle start to trail up to his jaw, leaving a little scattering of tender kisses in her wake. She had hardly felt up to giving Saracyn the affection he deserved through all of this so now that she was actually feeling more like herself it didn't take much for her mind to shift in that direction.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"