
baby girl, what can i do for you?




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
08-03-2023, 01:43 PM
It was wholly possible that Gilgamesh and Modesty hadn't been good parents but it was absolutely true that Flurry didn't know either way. The only models of parents she had were them, Sparrow and Ig... And those last two didn't seem all that much better in her opinion. Sure Ig was probably doing his best but he'd lost a whole kid and their mother was... Well it was easy to feel like she'd gotten the best out come of all the young wolves running around, she had both her parents after all and they weren't drinking themselves into a stupor... Not that Flurry blamed Sparrow it seemed she'd been dealing with a lot lately. All of which was to say that by her own estimations Flurry would have said her parents were pretty good.

The characteristic screech of her father's owl companion echoed off the once abandoned structures of the building and the young woman lifted her head, mismatched gaze scanning the sky, she had been rooting around in one of the buildings that no one had fully explored yet but the bird's call had pulled her towards one of the crumbling walls. It wasn't hard to tell Erish had come to get her and Flurry dutifully trotted after her, moving towards the beach. She idly wondered what it was her father wanted her for, curiosity and some anxiety mixing in her stomach. Finally she arrived at the beach, spotting the meat and liquor and despite herself Flurry gave a toothy grin. Approaching her father casually. "Well hello father of mine!" She said as she drew up beside him, her tone mocking the overly polite address she'd given. "To what do I owe this honour?" She was teasing, while she'd always respected her father and thought the mantle of leadership fit him well enough she had no intentions of being anything but casual with him, at least when they were at home. If she had to play pretty little heir out in front of other packs then she would but here they were still pirates, raiders by name.

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Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. baby girl, what can i do for you? Daager Isle 09:26 AM, 07-31-2023 09:31 PM, 11-01-2023