



10-28-2013, 11:08 AM
The alpha had heard her challenge, had hoped that someone would intercept the way they had Syrinx, or that there was a member of her own coucil that would respond - but it would seem that the others were wrapped up in their own battles. She had not taken an injury in her last fight, and her brother had gotten out with little done to his own person. Whatever he decided to do he was free to do it - she had business to attend to.

Chrysanthe would waste no time to lock eyes with the albino woman. She had seen her when she re-positioned herself to glance at more of the battlefield while in her fight with the dark male. Honestly it hadn't been much of a fight on her part - as the brute had decided to go after Syrinx instead of she or even Sephiroth. She had issued a challenge, and it went unanswered - Chrysanthe did not yet know the effects of such a thing, but she would be livid once she knew. For now, she would respond to the woman with the little pit of rage that Glaciem had raised from her before the battle - and by now she was ready to fight, adrenaline pumping, mindset completely switched to destroy and this had been the woman who had called for her.

She would approach her swiftly, her feet carrying her toward the female. The alpha would try to approach her from an angle, facing the woman's right side and hopefully somewhat from behind. After bounding toward the dark brute to try and slam into him while her brother was facing down Isardis, it put her on a more forward angle of the battlefield. Hopefully she would succeed in her placement. "Sorry I was a bit... preoccupied." She would say, responding to the bitches earlier bark. And that would be all of the warning that the pretty thing got before Chrysanthe would launch her attack.

Although she was shorter than the woman, she was more muscled than the lithe beauty. Hopefully she would be able to use that against her at least somewhat. Her feet would carry her at a sprint toward the woman's right side, where she would lunge at her opponent. Both of her front paws would leave the ground as she attempted to slam into her opponent's side, and her back legs would follow, as she was throwing all of her weight into this attack. Her front paws would attempt to find balance on the woman's back, and also try to claw painfully into the flesh of her opponent's back. Chrysanthe would not let herself loose speed with her approach. She hoped to crash into the other with enough force to throw her balance off - and possibly toss the tall, regal female to the ground where she could try to continue her assault. With her head lowered, she snapped her gaping jaws, attempting to grab onto the taller woman's lower back on her right side. Even if she managed to topple the woman she would try to hold onto any flesh that she might have, in an attempt to rip it away from her using the force of her fall.

Her eyes were narrowed, her ears pinned, and her hackles raised with fury that this war was still raging on. Her tail acted like a rudder behind her to try and keep herself balanced. Her muscles were tense, especially her back legs - as the alphess was hoping that she could use them to ground herself after trying to knock the woman over. Her stomach was clenched, both in anticipation for the fight, and to protect it as much as possible since it was somewhat accessible with her lunge, Rolled shoulders would protect the sides of her neck, and if she succeeded in her positioning her vitals would be well away from the woman's jaws.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, jaws agape, head lowered over throat, tail positioned for balance, back legs squared, shoulders rolled, stomach clenched, muscles tense, attempting to position herself away from Impra's jaws, attempting to use Impra to keep herself somewhat balanced

attacks: attempting to slam into Impra and get her to the ground, attempting to bite into the right side of Impra's back, attempting to use her claws to cause some pain to Impra's back

injuries: none.

vs. Impra for Impra

round 1 of ???