
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-08-2013, 09:10 PM

It had been a long four days, nearly five with the dawning of this next day, but somehow Demonio had managed to get through them without much trouble. Hourly running sessions and the occasional hunt kept the ivory brute occupied while his love was away. It had been difficult to have had to relinquish her having just claimed her as his own, but duty called and their own personal feelings had to be put aside for the needs of their new pack. And that's what they'd done, as hard as it had been.

He had tried to fill up his time with as many activities as he could come up with, but none of them had been sufficient enough to distract him from the deep longing ache that had taken root inside his chest at Desdemona's leave. More often than none he would return to the spot where he'd bid her goodbye, simply lying there, filling his nostrils with her stale scent, the only thing he had left of her at the time. His bi-colored eyes would search and search through the tree line, wishing for even a glimpse of her beautiful ivory pelt but he knew it wouldn't come, at least not for a couple days. He'd dealt with her absence though, keeping himself in high-spirits, knowing that she would return soon to him, safe and sound.

Now that she was here with him though, it was like those four, nearly five days had never existed. They were insignificant now, the only important thing being her having returned to him. Dark nasals flared as he pushed them against her throat lightly, inhaling her aphrodisiac of a scent, wishing he could just bury himself inside of her for the rest of his days, contently. He pulled back slightly as one of her beautiful smiles curled her lips, a sign that she was glad for having returned to his side, twin audits rotating forward as she spoke, those three words turning his heart into a wild drum. His own smile carved itself on his facade, a quiet chuckle rumbling in his chest as he spoke in return. Ah well you are certainly a beauty of a welcome sight my love. I have missed you dearly. A rumble of content vibrated through his trachea as she rubbed her muzzle against his. And I love you my dear Desdemona. A gentle lick was given to her throat before he uncurled himself, slowly pulling himself away from her embrace to stand.

Limbs unscrambled themselves from beneath the massive brute, bringing him to stand inside their large den. Front limbs were stretched out, spine arched in a feline-like manner, the content sound of joins popping reaching his ears, a yawn splitting his jowls before he shook it away, now fully awake. With a step forward, the alabaster knight pressed his head against his mate's, gently caressing the side of her jaws with kisses, overjoyed that she had finally returned to him after having been gone for so long.

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