
Where Shall We Go Next?


08-06-2023, 12:44 AM

These lands weren’t familiar to her.

Their scent held no marking. No sense of reassurance, except for one. She was no longer near home. The feel of dirt did not feel like the hard texture back in her old lands. Oh no. This was more soft. Like sweet moss beneath her paws. She couldn’t help but stop for a brief moment and allow the stretch of her toes. Claws pressing into the earth with ease, nose inhaling the afternoon air. Peace washing over her.

Omaira basked in this moment. Silence reaching forever alerted ears. She felt relaxed. Nature welcomed her here with a caress through crimson strands. Ruffling a few out of place in its path. A smile broke out to this. An unspoken answer of her own in thanks. This is what she’d been searching for. Somewhere new to explore. Hopefully even to settle and maybe start a family of her own? Only time would assure of that question. For now, Oma came to sit where she once stood. Listening to the world speak in only a way it could.

Off to the side of her, not much too far from where she resided, a dark mass snored away. The blurred image shifting every so often to what could only be to turn around in a more comfortable position. Omaira chuckled at this. Since the beginning of her journey, Anemone had become such a close friend. She'd go as far as to call the black fox a best friend. In a way it amazed her how far they'd come. Luscious grass tickled  the very tip of her nose. Indents of where she once slept now a permanent imprint.

There was nothing much left to do at the moment. Besides enjoy the arrangement of colors present through fuzzy vision.
