
I want to be there


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-06-2023, 06:18 PM

Another morning, and this time, rather than sneak outside of the den he was under the watchful eye of his mother’s kodkod. Ink had been less than pleased to learn that Gav had not only snuck out of the den but had encouraged his brother to follow his pawsteps. They could have gotten hurt scaling the waterfall as they had! Yet the child had not understood why the feline was so sore with him. He hadn’t realized the danger that he had been in, the danger of the slick rocks and how easily he or Jericho could have fallen from them or broken something, or worse. She was being so strict about sticking close to him now, but rather than get upset with her presence Gavroche felt lucky that she cared so much for his safety… if not a little bad that he had made her - and his mom when she told her - so upset. He’d promised not to try climbing the falls again, but that didn’t stop the child from longingly looking to where the water cascaded over the edge, certain that if he could reach the top he could see all of the world.

But it wouldn’t be worth it if he made his loved ones worry. So for now he would focus on where he was on the ground, moving through the grass beyond the pool of water, aware that Ink was creeping along in the grass behind him. She was close enough to rush in and protect him should some other predator think that he was a bite sized snack, but far enough that she wasn’t smothering him. For one so tiny, the winged boy did not fear the world he walked into. He had only known safety and love from the moment he was born. But he couldn’t help but get this feeling like there was something, or someone missing. Someone that used to be there that wasn’t there now. His warm smile slipped from his lips as he furrowed his brow and tried to remember. The dark and light figure that had been there when he was really tiny… where were they? He felt like they were important! Maybe he could find someone who knew!

Heart beating with determination Gavroche would circle back towards the falls. He remembered seeing them at the caves… were they family? If they were, why weren’t they around now? Did a meanie take them away!? That thought caused Gavroche to stiffen and bristle. He didn’t like the meanies Ink talked about. They made the good creatures sad, and he wasn’t going to let anyone be sad! He broke into a run, darting all the way back to the entrance of the cave behind the falls before Ink had even realized the child had shifted his attention. He had been so focused on getting back to the cave and getting to the bottom of the mystery he ran straight into the leg of someone bigger than him. He fell back with an oof, feathered wings flailing out as he tried to catch himself as he landed on his rump.

He looked up at a tiny wolf, not as small as his mama, but definitely smaller than his papa. “Sorries!” The apology came from him quickly; his mama said that proper manners were important. Gav frowned a little, staring up at the wolf before him for a long moment. Her eyes… they kind of reminded him of the wolf he remembered from when he was really, really little! The memory was fuzzy, but this wasn’t the one he was thinking of. He frowned. He was sure they were a real wolf… He could hear Ink skid and mutter under her breath as she caught up to him, relieved that the boy had at least run into his aunt.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

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1. I want to be there Lazuli Falls 06:18 PM, 08-06-2023 07:58 AM, 01-30-2024