
Let me in, unlock the door



6 Years
10-28-2013, 02:44 PM

Although the weather wasn't too bad, Iorwerth had quickly felt the benefits of the barn as they stepped inside. The wind was blocked out, most certainly a wonderful shelter providing it was just as effective when the cold winter struck. That being said, Iorwerth wasn't too sure how he felt sharing the area with so many wolves, especially when currently unknown to him. At least for now he'd try keep out of the way when it came to settling down for the night, though perhaps the warmth and company would prove a little more welcoming when the colder months arrived. Truth be told he wasn't used to sharing with so many, he could recall having shared with his father for a while, until the man deemed him big enough to sleep alone which hadn't taken too long at all.

"Thank you." He responded with a small nod, a little proof he had taken the information in again. With that the Queen leapt onto of one of the strange machines, a smooth motion that suggested the move was well practised, though somewhat impressive all the same. Nothing showed upon the male's face however nor where his next words even in relation to the manoeuvre. He figured that it marked the end of the tour for now, though he had a final question. "Can you tell me about the pack ranks, or at least my own for now. Just so I have some sense of my responsibilities and permissions." He of course wanted to know what he had to aim for, though that would all surely be picked up within due time, for now at least the rules for his rank, and of course its title would be enough to keep him satisfied.