


10-28-2013, 03:02 PM
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Thump, thump, thump, she could feel her heart beat drumming to the sound of war. Beating the fire into her veins, determination sharpening her focus, as she followed Medusas movements. Her violet gaze was steady as she felt her body move. Her teeth had found flesh. She had all the intentions of holding and pulling her head towards the left. However, she had managed to rip flesh from the woman?s shoulder instead. She was slightly unsure how she had managed to merely remove a small amount of flesh, but her determination would not cease. She would bring the woman down one way or another. Also, her paw, which had been curled to hold and push Medusas body, had done nothing but simply smack the woman. She had intended to push her weight difference into that bite and smack of her paw. Yet Medusa had managed to somehow evade losing her balance.

She had followed her body?s motion and continued to follow threw towards the left. Medusa had been attempting to gain a small amount of distance. She wouldn?t allow it and she would not simply stand where she was while the woman regrouped. This wasn?t a small spar. This was to the death and she would be on top of the woman more fiercely then she had in their previous battle. Her mind was screaming inside her. She had children to live for and a pack to continue to work with. As she followed her movement to the left she had tightened her abdomen once more. She curled her tail to the right side of her body to keep her balance as she turned. Her toes were still splayed and claws still dug into the ground as she followed after Medusa. Her neck was scrunched up, and her shoulders rolled forward. Her hair was upright to maintain protection of the skin beneath it. Her jaws were ajar, her eyes were narrowed and ears tucked tight against her head. As she was doing this Medusa had begun to push back on her hind legs for a strike to what she had hoped to be newt?s ribs. However, with Newt continuing to follow threw with her attack and moving towards the left as she had intended to pin Medusa there they were almost head on but more shoulder-to-shoulder.

In the same moment that she had continued to follow Medusa, she had pushed her body into a crouch and then shifted her weight on her own back legs. She was hoping the distance between them would be barley enough For Medusa to work with. They were perhaps a foot apart from one another if not a few inches. Newt had made sure to keep her body centered as she shifted her weight to her back end and allowed her body to spring forward. While her body was pushed in the forward movement her tail was slashing back and forth to help her body keep its balance as well as protect the achillied tendons or any lower area any lower area an outside attacker could grasp. She lowered her head, to protect her windpipe and throat, maintained her squinted eyes, pinned ears, and opened jaws. She released all that waiting muscle mass forward in an attempt to meet Medusa's slamming left shoulder with her right shoulder. She was hoping her 70-pound difference would equal out if not over power Medusas own assault as well as put strain on Medusa's already bleeding shoulder. As her body met with Medusas her paws would touch the earth again as she would go through with her slam attempt, claws gripping the earth below them with splayed toes She could feel her own shoulder bruising only slightly from Medusas attack, her bulk protecting her from heavier damage. She was also hoping that the lack of distance would help her counterbalance the attack.

As they two hit she felt medusa strike out once more. Originally Medusa had hoped to grab for Newts right ribs. However, due to their current placement her jaws found the area behind newt?s neck/back. She felt Medusas teeth score on her back just a few inches before her previous puncture wounds. She felt Medusas bite shift towards the right to rip her flesh more then a simple bite and hold. At the same time that Medusa had bit Newts shoulder she had rebalanced her body. She pushed her weight on her back legs just a bit to center herself and maintained her toes being splayed and nails curling into the ground. She turned her head to the left, keeping it bunched, towards the right side of Medusas neck. She would continue to sway her tail back and forth to help with her balance as well as continue to protect her heels. Her abdomen would remain tight. Her ears would stay pinned to protect them, her eyes half narrowed and yet still alert, and her lips curled and Jaws open as she was aiming for Medusa neck and jugular.

Following her shoulder attack, Newt was aiming to bite the middle of Medusa neck (she was not aiming to bite and hold) and sink her top teeth into arteries in the neck and her bottom teeth in the jugular on the side of the neck. She would also be pulling downwards in an attempt to shove Medusa body down towards the ground. She would tear into the flesh as if she were worrying into a bone. Her intentions were brutal and deadly. She was aiming to viciously bite into the middle of Medusa neck while Medusa scored Newts shoulder. She was hoping that Medusa injured shoulder would still be bleeding and would be slowing her down. During the same few seconds of her attack she was continuing to push her body forward in an attempt over power Medusa with her weight and off balance her. However, if she managed to grab something else then she would expand her bite and continue to viciously shake her head back and forth into the area, attempting to puncture any arteries, and to inflict as much damage as possible. She would also continue to still push her body forward in an attempt to off balance Medusa and pull downward towards the ground.

Round Two of four
ATTACKS: She is attempting to slam her left shoulder into Medusa Right shoulder in an attempt to counter balance the assault and possibly over power Medusa. Once they make contact she is turning her neck towards the left, aiming for the middle of Medusa right side neck in an attempt to injure arteries/her jugular and she is also pushing for body forward to attempt to push medusa off balance. Should the bite not score the intended area she is attempting to expand her bite and reach for any area around the neck/shoulder area and shake her head viciously back and forth to inflict as much damage as possible and still pushing her weight forward.

DEFENSES: Her body tenses as it begins to turn. She is using her tail to help maintain her balance as well as keeping her abdomen tight while turning to face Medusa. Her neck is scrunched, her shoulders were rolled forward, her hair was standing on end for better protection of her skin and her head is lowered to protect her windpipe and throat. Her eyes are narrowed, her ears are pinned, her lips are curled and jaws open. She is still moving on the pads of her paws, toes curled, and nails digging into the ground to maintain balance. While in her forward movement, she is slashing her tail back and forth to maintain balance as well as protect her achilles tendons. Her body has been lowered, centered, and she pushes her weight on her back legs to propel herself forward. Her shoulders are rolled forward with her forward movement, her hair is still raised, her head is lowered to protect her throat, and her lips are curled and jaws are ajar and actively seeking to score flesh. She is still moving on the tips of her pads, toes splayed, and nails digging into the ground more so with her back end then her front to maintain her core balance as she attempts to slam her body into Medusa. She has also maintained her squinted eyes and pinned ears. Once she contacts her paws retouch the ground and once again center her body and her claws grab at the ground beneath them. As she is attacking she is maintaining her swaying tail to continue to protect her heels from any other attacks. And maintaining her other defenses as previously stated.

INJURIES: First round: Bite wound to the upper right shoulder where the shoulder and shoulder blade meet about a half an inch deep.

Second round:Newt is attempting to slam her right shoulder into medusas left shoulder hoping to counter the weight and cause minimal bruising should it succeed. The second bite wound was a few inches away from the first and more vicious in nature. So she is left with a seeping pulled wound. Where the skin has been ripped into but no damage to the muscle has been done. It is a clean tear to the right so the skin would be slightly free and bleeding would be nothing life threatening but significantly seeping.